Periodontal (Gum) Disease in North Platte, NE

Periodontal (gum) disease is an inflammation in the gums, which may damage your mouth significantly. There are three stages of gum disease that range from mild to severe. The first phase is gingivitis, which is brought on by plaque buildup under the gumline. Without treatment, gingivitis may develop into the next stage known as periodontitis, which affects the bone and fibers that hold your tooth roots. Advanced periodontitis is the final stage of periodontal disease, which may cause teeth to become loose or fall out. To take care of periodontal disease, Apex Dentistry offers both surgical and nonsurgical treatments based on the seriousness of the disease, including antibiotics, scaling and root planing, gum surgery, laser therapy, and extractions. If you have periodontal disease symptoms, contact our North Platte, NE practice to schedule an examination with Dr. Charles J. Boettcher.

Periodontal disease treatments will be based on the seriousness of the disease. If Dr. Boettcher diagnoses you with periodontal disease, he will discuss his suggestions for your treatment program. For cases caught early, scaling and root planing (SRP) are typically done to deep clean the gum pockets. In more serious cases, an antibiotic can be taken in addition to multiple scaling and root planing procedures. Severe cases of periodontal disease typically require gum surgery, such as pocket reduction or gum grafting or therapy with state-of-the-art laser technology. Our high-powered lasers can help effectively treat periodontal diseases, even in their most advanced stages.

Treating gum disease is crucial to restoring your gum and overall oral health. Obtaining periodontal disease treatment as soon as possible can help patients at Apex Dentistry in North Platte, NE obtain several advantages, such as:

  • Reduced pain
  • Enhanced gum health
  • Improved smile
  • Prevent tooth decay
  • Addresses bad breath


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If you have symptoms of gum disease, it is essential to seek care as soon as possible to prevent it from progressing further. At Apex Dentistry, Dr. Charles J. Boettcher and his team will work with you to renew your gums and prevent further damage to your oral health. For more information or to book an appointment, contact our North Platte, NE practice today.

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