TMJ/Orthotics in North Platte, NE

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the spot where your jaw attaches to your skull to allow you to open and close your jaw easily. Sometimes the joint is damaged or injured, causing a painful condition called temporomandibular joint disorder or dysfunction (TMD). If you are experiencing pain or hearing sounds whenever you move your jaw, schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles J. Boettcher to determine if you have TMD. At Apex Dentistry in North Platte, NE, Dr. Boettcher utilizes innovative tools to examine and care for your TMD to relieve pain. Your TMJ treatment will be based on the cause of your TMD and your particular condition, but a few options include oral appliances (night or mouth guards), bite alteration, dental restorations, and more.

To diagnose a temporomandibular dysfunction, Dr. Boettcher will listen carefully to understand your concerns prior to performing a physical examination. Throughout the exam, he will assess the movement of your jaw and search for indicators of teeth grinding, jaw clenching, and misalignment of your teeth. He will also feel the jaw and lower face for any tenderness and inflammation. Dr. Boettcher might want to have digital images of your lower head along with a bite analysis to look for underlying causes that will determine your therapy approach. Depending on the exam, he will discuss your treatment choices that could incorporate a mouth guard, orthodontics, or restorative dentistry (crowns or bridges).

At Apex Dentistry, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) treatment features multiple benefits to allow North Platte, NE patients to obtain an improved standard of comfort. These advantages include:

  • Decreasing acute pain and discomfort related to TMJ problems
  • Boosting jaw function and mobility
  • Calming facial pain, earaches, headaches, and neck pain
  • Reducing the sound of jaw clicking or cracking
  • Allowing for better sleep
  • Reducing the threat of additional oral concerns
  • Easing pressure and anxiety levels related to persistent discomfort
  • Elevating an individual's comprehensive well-being


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Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain makes it difficult to chew, talk, and enjoy your life. Since there are lots of potential causes, symptoms, and solutions for temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD), schedule an appointment with Dr. Charles J. Boettcher at his office in North Platte, NE. He will give you a detailed examination before making a diagnosis and discussing treatment choices. Contact us at Apex Dentistry to get more information and schedule an appointment.

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