Tooth Extractions in North Platte, NE

While Dr. Charles J. Boettcher makes every effort to save and maintain your natural teeth, there are instances where a tooth or teeth may need to be taken out. A simple extraction removes a tooth that's visible above the gumline. This is commonly used for a tooth that is decayed or damaged beyond repair. A surgical extraction takes out a tooth that has not erupted above the gumline. Surgical extractions are frequently done to remove impacted teeth, like wisdom teeth, that don't have sufficient room to fit into your mouth. Whatever the reason for getting an extraction at Apex Dentistry, our team will give you the best treatment. Our North Platte, NE practice offers different sedation techniques, like nitrous oxide and oral-conscious sedation, to help you remain calm and comfortable during your procedure. Contact us today to find out more or to schedule an examination with Dr. Boettcher to enhance your oral health.

Dental extractions are performed in our practice using local anesthesia on the area around the tooth being worked on. Different forms of sedation may be used, depending on the extent of the procedure, to help you stay relaxed in case you have any dental anxieties. When you're ready, the procedure will begin. To complete a simple extraction, Dr. Boettcher will loosen the tooth using a special device called an elevator prior to removal. A surgical extraction entails making incisions in your gums to reach the tooth. If necessary, the tooth might be broken up into smaller pieces so that it can be taken out. Once the tooth is removed, Dr. Boettcher will stitch the incision in the gums. You may be given a prescription for antibiotics to be taken before and following the operation — in case you have a current infection, if your immune system is compromised, if the process is lengthy, or if you have other specific health conditions.

While many North Platte, NE patients may prefer to delay or bypass their tooth extractions, having these treatments carried out at Apex Dentistry immediately following detection could promote multiple dental health advantages, such as:

  • Often a simple process that is done in our office
  • Can work to prevent teeth or gum infection
  • Prevents impairment and infection in healthy adjacent teeth
  • Creates room for implant options to bring back the look and function of the removed tooth
  • Carried out with a local anesthetic to dull the treatment site and allow you to remain as comfortable as possible


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When you have a tooth that's damaged or if your mouth does not have room for a tooth, a tooth extraction at Apex Dentistry will assist in improving your oral health. Consult Dr. Boettcher in his North Platte, NE practice to learn more about surgical and simple tooth extractions. If you have dental anxieties or fears, ask about sedation options to help you stay calm and relaxed during your extraction procedure.

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